-inspect file system superblocks tune2fs -l /dev/vg_/ dumpe2fs -h /dev/splunk1_vg2/cold vgdisplay –verbose debugfs -c /dev/splunk1_vg2/cold

-rsync –archive –verbose –times –compress –progress –archive = -rlptgoD (-r:recursive, -l=copy symlinks, -p:preserve perms, -t:preserve times, -g:preserve group, -o:preserve owner, -D:–devices –specials:preserves device and special files) –time = preserves time –compress = compress file data during transfer –progress = show progress during transfer –dry-run = eg: rsync –archive –verbose –times –progress /var/splunkbuckets/cold /mnt/splunkcold | tee /root/splunkcold_sync_18Nov2016.log

Basic Rsync Guide
	-a    Preserve the date, ownership, permissions, groups, of the files
	-v    See the progress of the file copy in the terminal
	-z    Compresses over the network to save bandwidth
	Basic Rsync Command
	rsync -avz --delete /media/hdd1/data-1/ /media/hdd2/data-2/
	rsync -avzh --progress <source> <destination>
	rsync --progress –avhzunc
		-u --> update
		-n --> dry run
		-c --> skip based on checksum

-RPM -exptract contents of rpm -rpm2cpio ./packagecloud-test-1.1-1.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv -Yum -repoquery –requires –recursive –resolve

-nuttcp testing
nuttcp -vv -S -P 10000 -i1
nuttcp -u -i 1 -P 10000 -l 8972 -w4m -R 10g -T 30 orac13

-convert cdr to iso for windows hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o sysinternals.iso sysinternals.cdr -add user -useradd -c “” -journalctl journalctl -u puppet -f

  • ps ps -ef (-e: everything, -f full-format listing) ps aux (a: lift “only yourself” restriction, u: display user oriented format, x: lift “must have tty” restriction) ps fax (f: ascii art process hierarchy,a: lift “only yourself” restriction, x: lift “must have tty” restriction) ps faux (f: ascii art process hierarchy,a: lift “only yourself” restriction, u: display user oriented format, x: lift “must have tty” restriction) -show process using ports netstat -tulpnu pup -docker clean up docker system prune -phyiscal system serial number dmidecode -s system-serial-number